Friday, August 7, 2009

My First Blog Entry! @~>~

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Today: a day of firsts! I created a Twitter account, and as much as I write, I thought to myself, "Sommer,"....ya I said that lol....I said, "Sommer, as much as you write, how is it that you do not yet have a blog?" I mean, my friends have blogs, I read blogs, I like blogs, so I guess I should blog! It may be that I don't see my life as that interesting. I mean who in the world could be interested in a 3ft7 31yr old Texan girl married 9 years to a 6ft1 31yr old French Canadian guy. So what if I've had over 23 what if I have spent my last 6 years almost totally in the bed and in physical therapy....sooo not interesting!!! But, after reading a few of my friend's blogs, I've discovered that it's not really about what happens in your life, but more-so how you feel about what is happening! After all, I am writing a book, so why can't I blog? I started a Diary/Journal in the 8th grade and I never missed a day up until my 2nd year in college, so it may be that I feel blogging feels more personal and private to me than writing in my book. I tend to write a lot and say a little I guess. Just to get out whatever needs to get out. Also, my spelling is nothing short of a disaster....and I'm self-aware of it and I will run spell check like a billion times before posting, because I just can't see people believing that I was actually an English tutor, and college grad with my spelling as it is! haha So, this will undoubtedly take up at least 10 min of my blogging process I'm sure. But, ultimately, I have learned alot from my Journal. I have been able to go back and see what I have done in certain situations, and either repeat those actions if they went well or correct the behavior if it went wrong. So perhaps there is more to gain here than originally expected. I don't see why people would want to read this, but I'm sure the people whose blogs I have read probably have thought the same thing. So, if anything comes of this, it's them I have to thank for it. Well, I'm gonna leave this first entry as is, and take the second entry as an opportunity to give you more of an idea of who I am and what I do. For now, just know I'm totally, ultimately, truly madly in love with my husband, Jean-Sebastien, to the point where it's just sickening for others to hear sometimes! haha I am currently being "upgraded" as my hardware is out of date and in need of repair. hehe This means many surgeries in a short period of time. Most of all, I am acutely aware of the many many blessings we have been given despite all we have been through these past few years. I make it a point to count them every single day, because if I didn't, I know that depression and self-pity could easily overcome me and cause me to go down a bad road. Some people ask me how I can be so faithful and happy when so many adversities have occurred in my life at such a young age, to which I reply, "How can I NOT be faithful" given that it is the ONLY thing getting me and my family through everything we have been through. So, that's it for now :) Time to run spell check and post my first blog!!! :) Feel free to contact me with any comments or questions you may have in the future about anything that I post and I will do my best to respond!! You can also check out my facebook page at and let me know in your friend request that you found me through my blog! :) I hope that my learning from this experience also causes someone out there to learn something from their own. Have a good weekend and take a look at 1 James chapter 1 if you get a chance! It's been my creed and I hope it brings a bit of comfort to you as well :)

Love Always, Bold
Sommer Roy

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