Sunday, July 12, 2015

It's okay to have a Bad day

We often try to present our best in public and on social media. Personally, I try to present myself sincerely and honestly. I try to focus more on the positives in my life in hopes to, not only inspire positivity in others, but also serve as my reflection of the many blessings that I'm thankful for and should be focusing on. I firmly believe that positivity breeds positive results and that focusing on the good in your life is a major preventative to falling victim to negatives that can ultimately bring you down... But sometimes ..sometimes you just have a bad day...and that's okies...I have to remind myself that it's okay to feel hurt's okay to grieve..and it's okay to take a day or two off as long as you get back up.'s those bad days that ultimately remind us of what we're fighting for. If I've never been could I truly appreciate being up? It's because I know what it's like to be sad that I cherish my happiness all the more..I cherish pain free moments because I know what it's like to be in pain...Instead of trying to deny those feelings..Let the bad days instead be your inspiration to keep fighting! My faith and happiness keeps me going..and that includes all of you..and it's why I'll always get back up  

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